
Do This and You’ll Magically Create Your Dream Reality

The Self-Help Psychic Podcast with Tabitha Stitt, professional psychic medium, licensed school teacher and Reiki Master energy healer
The Self-Help Psychic
Do This and You'll Magically Create Your Dream Reality
Episode: Do This to Magically Create Your Dream Reality on The Empowering Psychic Podcast with Tabitha Stitt

To develop power, focus on one aspect of your life.

Oftentimes, what happens is we feel completely scattered. If we have a goal, if you have a goal, you might think I need to do this. I might need to do that. And then you find yourself distracted, and then you’re bringing on something else.

And then you’re starting something else and then five years have passed and you haven’t really gotten too far with much.

It’s almost as if like you’ve got this started and you got this started, and then you start to feel like you are not gonna be able to get it done. What’s the point? I’m feeling like I’m failing? And going back to this statement –

To develop power, focus on ONE aspect of your life.

So you must think about how you can create momentum by focusing on one aspect. If you’re not quite sure of what you wanna focus on, then you’re gonna have to sort of dabble around a little bit.

Episode: Do This to Magically Create Your Dream Reality on The Empowering Psychic Podcast with Tabitha Stitt

But if you have this creative idea, then run with it, focus on it, do it, create it, expand it, then do a little bit more of it. And then change it up and become pro at it. Become an expert at it, become really confident at it.

And then you can start sharing this and then others will know you for this. So especially if you thinking about starting your own business, or you have your own business, or you wanna sell something or you wanna create something, but you don’t know if it’s gonna work.

What is it that you enjoy doing? What is it that you wanna do? Focus on that one aspect or that one theme of your life.

Or one that aspect of what it is that you wanna focus on. And you will start to develop power.

Now we’re not talking about external power and control. We’re talking about internal power.

The tornado of all of these vibrant things that are swirling around in your soul are… you’re gonna create this massive impact on everything that happens around you!

Episode: Do This to Magically Create Your Dream Reality on The Empowering Psychic Podcast with Tabitha Stitt

People are gonna start noticing you. You’re gonna start drawing in what it is that you want to be known for.

And again, maybe you’re not sure, but if you just focus on one thing, one thing, then you’ll start to see the power that you do hold within yourself.

What is it that you enjoy doing? What is it that you actually enjoy doing?

What is it that you actually like creating?

What is it that gives you joy; that gives you passion?

And I’m not necessarily talking about, you know, your loved ones and your friends, because of course we all love that. And maybe that does have something directly to do with what it is that you wanna do.

For example, if you wanna become a relationship coach, then you would focus solely on your relationship and how it’s impacted you or others’ relationships focusing on that. So that would be an example of using those loved ones that you have in your life

as a source for inspiration to create, to develop your power.

Episode: Do This to Magically Create Your Dream Reality on The Empowering Psychic Podcast with Tabitha Stitt

But let’s say you step beyond your immediate love for your family and your friends, and you focus on the one thing that you wanna create. And again, maybe you’re not sure, so you have to dabble around a little bit, but then when you find that one thing that you actually enjoy doing, you’re like, oh my gosh, I really enjoy doing this. Or it’s so natural it comes to you so often, or maybe you do it all the time.

Like for example, maybe you’re doodling all the time. Maybe you’re always drawing something all the time.
Maybe you always have like pen and paper to hand, and you’re always doing that. Well, there might be something to that, that you’re not recognizing.

It’s almost like it’s so obvious that you look past it.

It’s almost like you don’t think too much about it, but you can actually be using that to create the power within you, to make the positive change that you want within yourself and your life.

And then you’re inspiring others. And all of a sudden you have this whole swarm of energy around you that is just vibrant and abundant, and you’re creating, you’re manifesting all because you focused on that one thing that gives you that drive and that passion to be and have, and do the things that you want in life.

You were given this gift to BE this gift; to express this gift; to share this gift.

Episode: Do This to Magically Create Your Dream Reality on The Empowering Psychic Podcast with Tabitha Stitt

So if you focus on that, that’s when you’re gonna start recognizing that you can actually use this medium or this platform or this source or this object or this way of being to create momentum.

You can use it to ultimately create everything that you would otherwise need in your life. You don’t have to necessarily go out and get a nine to five job.

You can do what you want to do – and it may take some time.

So I think that’s where a lot of people get caught up in all of this, because it feels like we’re going and going and going. And we might not see much in return, but if you keep going, tweak it, pivot it, change it a little bit slightly. Let’s try this platform. Let’s try that platform.

Or maybe stick with this platform or maybe talk to someone else. But ultimately you’re sticking with the same theme. You’re sticking with the same creative outlet. You’re sticking with the same thing that you have a passion for, and you are sticking with that.

And you are creating momentum.

You are creating the life that you want. And that’s how you do it is by focusing on that one aspect of your life.

This could be your career, a sport or some endeavor that you have a passion about become an expert. Maybe you don’t wanna call yourself an expert. Maybe that doesn’t feel right.

Become confident, become the go-to, become the coach, become the mentor.

Episode: Do This to Magically Create Your Dream Reality on The Empowering Psychic Podcast with Tabitha Stitt

Become the person that does this one thing, because you love to do this one thing in the process of becoming an expert or whatever it is you wanna call yourself.

You fine-tune your whole being. You collect the important parts of yourself, and you begin to live the life of a warrior. The life of someone that is in charge.

The life of someone who is able to manifest is able to see from a higher perspective, is able to take the reins and go after what it is that you want to go after, without worrying about anyone, stopping you or preventing you, or creating a challenge for you.

So rid yourself of attitudes that are not essential to what it is that you are focusing on.

Get rid of any perspectives that are keeping you from what it is that you wanna do from what it is that you want to go after, from what it is that your soul and your spirit is telling you to seek, to try out.

If something is preventing you, if there’s this consistent thought that keeps popping up and popping up and popping up, notice it change it.

It’s just an old belief. It’s an old subconscious pattern in your mind. It’s just a trigger.

It is a way of thinking but if it’s not helping you, it’s not helping you.

Episode: Do This to Magically Create Your Dream Reality on The Empowering Psychic Podcast with Tabitha Stitt

So collect your energy and focus your power on the one thing, this magical thing that you wanna do, this magical thing that you feel enliven by this magical thing that you enjoy doing and creating, expand yourself, trust the process, go after it, do it.

And I know it can be hard. Sometimes I know because I’ve been in the position before where I feel like I keep going and going and going. And it’s like, I’m running low on my battery. I’m running low.

Well, if that happens, then just take a break. This is not about focusing so hard to where you are completely depleting yourself of all of your energy and sources that you have within.

If you need a break. Take a break but maintain that focus.

Keep going after it. Don’t shift from another thing. Believe in it. Create it.

If it’s not working – let’s say you’ve been going after it – and you still feel like it’s not working, shift it a little bit. You’ve gotta change it a little bit, maintain that theme or that focus that you have, but do something slightly different.

See if that works, test that out. Experiment with this, try that, talk to this person, shift it a little bit, but maintain your focus.

Episode: Do This to Magically Create Your Dream Reality on The Empowering Psychic Podcast with Tabitha Stitt

Because if what you’re doing is what you’re truly passionate about, and you really believe in it and you really think it’s gonna help others. And you know that it’s helped yourself and you really wanna go after it. You are going to make it happen.

It’s already happening. It’s in the ether. It’s already in the making.

Your magic is in the making.

It’s already happening. It’s doing it. It’s going. Keep the focus, keep the focus. It’s just a matter of focus.

Thank you so much for listening. If you have a question that you want answered about spirit, empowering yourself, or how to manifest a life, you truly love hit on over to TabithaStitt.com/Podcast – submit your question there.

Until next time, continue to tap into your intuition, take action and trust the process.

And so it is!

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