

Maggie Brevin

I feel like something shifted in me from working with Tabitha. I received more clarity about the situation I am in, and also more belief in moving forward in my life - away from the past and on to a different direction. I also liked that I received a specific movie to watch. (:


Julie Weller

I feel Tabitha is VERY accurate in her readings. She even explained to me what she saw me wearing basically and it was exactly what I was wearing!  She's completely aware of all the energy we get from our daily lives. I can't wait to have another reading from her. I've always just let Spirit come through to me but next time I'm going to ask a few more direct questions. Thank you again, Tabitha!


Malia Johnso

Tabitha honed in on my guides and gave me an on-point reading! Very confident reader. I highly recommend her!


Amanda Hambrecht

Tabitha is a good listener and she tuned into my concerns quickly. I felt very comfortable talking with her even though we had not worked together before.

Kimiya Kalub

The best readings of my life have come from Tabitha. She is able to connect to me and my guides in a way that no one else has been able to. Before her, I've never experienced a reading where EVERY BIT of information was accurate, insightful, and dripping with pure Spirit and love.


Betty Pack

Tabitha was very good about giving me guidance on areas to improve. She gave suggestions of things to do to be more involved with my community and family.


Chris Popejoy

Thank you so much for an informative and insightful reading. Your insights helped to affirm a very new opportunity I’ve literally just begun, in the right place at the right time. Thank you so much! You exude professionalism with warmth and insight which is very much appreciated.

Gwynne Gabbar

Tabitha brought in several folks that had encouraging words to share. They shared that I will have more freedom to be creative now, and at least one of them is teaching me lessons, and that Lessons are Blessings. My Inner Child is here to help me heal. (I just hope that the baby kitten she saw with me - my gift from God - finds a different home!) Thank you, Tabitha, for doing readings for me and my loved ones. God Bless You!


Jennifer Voegele

I just finished a beautiful reading by Tabitha. This is my 2nd one from her. What she finds is always relevant to this moment in time. Tabitha knows relationships are important to me - so last time she tapped into my relationship with my daughter. This time she tapped into my relationship with my father and myself. Yes, I am currently on a spiritual journey to find what's next for me. She gave me symbols that will help remind me of my journey and what's needed now. She let me know I am supported (and by who). I will feel liberation and exhilaration once I get to my goal and that I will be the example to others. She reminded me that I have been resistant based on how I was raised but to keep going - the trees will give me the strength (I have a strong connection to trees). This is the encouragement I needed.


Phoebe Wallac

Tabitha was great! She provided a great description of what to expect and how to use the messages coming through during the reading. The messages were thorough, detailed and relevant. I was VERY impressed with the reading and how much came through so quickly! Thank you, Tabitha!

Jacki Millay

In a reading with Tabitha, you'll experience a person who loves this service and gives it her all.


Alicia Hayle

I have had many readings over the years. I enjoyed my reading with Tabitha as she was on-point with so much that was going on in my life. She is definitely on my referral list.


Patricia J Lan

I have had mediumship readings over the last 30 years; so I understand how they work and have experienced many, many styles. Tabitha just gave me a fantastic reading. I WILL most definitely seek her out again! It was as if Tabitha had been following me around (in my life) for the last 10 years and knew EXACTLY what was going on, what my issues were and what I needed to do to move forward -- all without my input. This was truly the most "perfect" reading I have ever had, and I've had a lot of them. It was predictive because I am shifting. I know it. I can feel it. I knew it before the reading. Her session was more of a spot-on description of my life (issues, fears, etc.) confronting me; and a confirmation of what I have, just in the last week, discovered about where I am presently. It was just an all-around "spot on" reading. Tabitha is highly confident, professional, and makes you feel very comfortable. I give her 5 out of 5 stars!


Daryl Wasselman

Tabitha did a fantastic job! I did not have any specific questions for her, but her general reading put me at ease and reassured me in many personal things going on in my life. Even over Zoom, she was very professional and kind. I would absolutely get another reading from her in the future.



Was very positive experience. I've been in overwhelm for awhile and received lovely suggestions from spirit on things to do to help me deal with it and I feel better and more in control.


Renee Abplanal

My reading with Tabitha was extremely personal, relatable, and insightful. She confidently and kindly conveyed messages from Spirit. I truly appreciate her guidance and insight. You offered a lot of personality and compassion as well. Best of all, she gave practical solutions to improve my situation. It’s wonderful to gain a different perspective on your life.  Best wishes to you on your journey working with Spirit! (:

Kathy Pac

The reading Tabitha gave me was fantastic!  This was an amazing reading on so many levels. She tapped into my mom's energy - she is still here - and it was spot on. She describe my relationship with my mother perfectly - she even brought up a time that I remember from my teenage years - WOW! I was sooo glad she was able to bring in my dad who has passed. Her message from him to me made my heart feel so good!  I love Tabitha's energy and I feel that she is truly gifted. Thank you, Tabitha!


Alyssa May

Tabitha was able to provide a safe space with a loving and helpful message.


Ashle S. Drak

My reading with Tabitha was so enjoyable and helpful. Her delivery was determined yet calm. I appreciated that she allowed the first interaction to be one of exploration and I didn't have to come with an "agenda" or question. Without divulging anything, Tabitha pinpointed very relevant personal decisions and things I've been working through. She explained her visions thoroughly and completely which helped to totally understand the direction. Overall, AMAZING first experience and I can't wait to stay connected.


Amy Thompso

When asking The Universe which direction to go it's good to hear that you're on the right path and/or which direction you should turn.


Eve Brook

I found Tabitha’s reading to be very illuminating, sincere, upbeat and enlightening. Without hardly any input from me except in response to what she was picking up, I felt she was completely accurate and gave what I feel to be excellent guidance on that which challenges me. I had heard from people I respect that she was *VERY* good, so was interested in finding out what a reading with her would be like. I now also highly recommend Tabitha.

Ultimate Benefits

Inner Awakening

More Confidence

Recognize Your Magic


Heal Within

Let Go with Love

Manifest Your Dreams

Live Your Truth

Readings are healing.

Giving readings means you have to FULLY trust in this unseen loving spiritual realm and that’s precisely what I’m passionate about and dedicated to! 

My purpose is to give you messages from your Higher Self/Spirit to ultimately make things easier for you; to help you recognize your fullest potential and let go of anything that’s been holding you back.

It’s a gentle and kind experience.

It’s never scary and only ever uplifting, inspiring and truly eye-opening.

Ready for a little transformation?

You wouldn’t be here if this wasn’t meant to be. Even if you’re just a tad pulled in, this feeling you’re experiencing is surely your soul gently nudging you to take action.

It’s been wanting to connect with you and I’m committed to conveying these messages for you on behalf of Spirit. 

Invest in yourself.

Now’s the time to let your soul soar.

How To Head In The Right Direction MOCKUP

Everything here is created with healing energy.