Definitely Do This ONE Thing to Manifest What You Want

If you just have a brief moment, here is a mini message from Spirit. So I was shuffling my oracle deck, one of many oracle decks that I have (which is a little different than a tarot deck).
And this one is particularly inspiring which most of them are, but the card that popped out was to “Ask with Sincerity”. So what does that mean?
When I tap closer into Spirit and ask what this means – Spirit’s wanting you to ask for what it is that you want.
So this makes me think of, “ask and you shall receive”. Ask and you shall receive.
And it also makes me think of when someone would say, “Be careful what you wish for!”
The universe is now offering you the idea and the notion and the suggestion to be open to believing that what you ask for will be given to you.

Now, it might not come in the exact expected way that you think it’s going to arrive, or the exact same time that it’s going to arrive, but to ask with sincerity.
So ask with intention, ask for what it is that you want and make sure that you’re asking with your heart.
Sometimes we think that we want something and then later on, we change our mind.
It’s okay to change your mind because that helps you learn what it is that you don’t want as well.
But to take the time to sit, and either you can think about it as meditating or sitting in the power or prayer, or just connecting with your higher self, perhaps you can light a candle, but ask for what it is that you want.
Now you might be thinking, well, I don’t really know what I want. Well, that’s okay too, because if you’re not sure what you want then for one, know that that is common, that we don’t really know what we want.
And we don’t want to ask for the “wrong” thing, right? We wanna make sure that we’re asking for what it is that we truly want, but Spirit’s wanting you to recognize that it’s okay to feel this way.
And also to know that you can’t really ask for the wrong thing. You can’t really ask for the wrong thing because what’s gonna happen is you’re just going to learn from it.

The important thing is to be mindful of what it is that you want, because you will receive it in some form or another.
And that’s your mini message is to think about what it is that you really want. And to know, and to believe that you WILL receive it and that you are being guided and you’re being looked over and you have your spirit guides with you, your angels, the universe, your loved ones (however you wanna think of it).
There are magical occurrences happening that are aligning with your wishes.
And to believe that what it is that you truly truly desire in your heart, you will receive, you will get.
You also need to know that you can’t just ask and then that’s it. You do need to take movement towards what it is that you are wanting in life as well.
So that’s where the human being part of the process comes in – that your actions are part of the magic as well.

So to not only believe and ask, but also to take action towards what it is that you want.
Thank you so much for listening. If you have a question that you want answered about Spirit, empowering yourself, or how to manifest a life, you truly love head on over to and submit your question there.
Until next time, continue to tap into your intuition, take action and trust the process. And so it is.