How to Learn Your Soul Purpose and Mission at Home

You have immediate access to your soul purpose — it’s right in front of you, right now! Here’s 4 easy ways to recognize it.

Why are you here? Why are we ALL here?
Rather than it just being a dumping place for all your stuff (emotionally, physically, spiritually, psychologically) instead, let’s look at how you can use your home as a place to learn more about your soul’s purpose – between four walls and beyond.
Life’s all about discovering who we are and what we have to offer, our natural gifts and passions, and offering this light out into the world.
And Spirit wants you to start invoking this idea of: “How can I use my home as a place for me to learn more about my soul’s purpose and mission in life?”
The first thing to do to find your soul purpose would be to create a sacred space to connect with your true self / higher self.
If you don’t already have a sacred space within your home, then this is your invitation to do so! Essentially it’s a space for you to connect to this divine infinite intelligence.
Eliminate distractions.
In doing so, you will naturally create an openness – the opposite of resistance, anger, restriction, the opposite of dense energy. And instead, it is an openness; an acceptance of who you are. So creating a sacred space, you can get materials if you’d like – candles, sage music, etc. – but it’s more about not being interrupted.
Eliminate those distractions because as you move toward your highest version and highest potential, this is when you are allowing for Spirit to come in closer and allowing for your vibration to heighten. And thus your soul’s purpose will become more obvious to you in your day-to-day life.
How often do you want to embrace the sacred space?
Well, ideally daily. But if this is brand new to you, then take your time. Listen to something soothing – Native American flute music, certain chants, binary beats, something that is going to take you to a higher state of consciousness. You can subtly gaze at a candle that’s in front of you. Focus on the breath, or you can listen to a guided meditation. Even just peer out the window at the wind and the rain and the trees.
Whatever allows you to become more subtle and aware of your energy; this energy that is infinite that moves beyond these four walls of our home. Ultimately, the more that you do this, the more that you will notice your connection to your true self.
Recognize that your home represents this higher version of you so you want to make changes as necessary.
So looking around you in this space that you’re in, this physical space that you’re in, and this mental space that you’re in… are you satisfied?
Most likely there are going to be things or aspects that you are unsatisfied with, and that’s perfectly okay. You’re recognizing what it is that you want to change.
Because if the home you’re within doesn’t seem to represent, symbolize or mirror what you see as your higher self, then how can you make changes?
Do you need to get rid of something, move something, change your beliefs, donate, have a conversation, clear out a space, or make room?
Make room for your soul purpose!
Make room for what you’re passionate about. How can you make your home a sacred space where it accurately represents your higher self?
“What is my higher self?” That question is going to help you also recognize your soul purpose. Write down on a piece of paper, “Who is my higher self? What does my higher self look like?”
Your higher self is who you are. It’s this form of energy that vibrates beyond you, but it is you as well. If you were to step into your higher self, what would that look and feel like?
Find a space that feels at home to you and then make adjustments and THAT will help you feel more at home. You’re going to see what’s important and essential to you in your life.
Take courses and online classes that spark your interest, align with your passions, make you feel good, and catch your attention.
Be open to learning where you can be in the space of your home.
Your passions are a direct link and part of your soul’s purpose. They are a mirror for your soul’s purpose; the cup that you reside within. Your passions are what you are here to do. It is the intention for you!
What do you love, dream about, envision, or daydream about?
What are you curious about? Start to think about all these things and then simply take a course or an online class.
There are so many classes and courses! You’ll find the right teacher and the right course. I personally have some myself as well. So if you’re interested, you can look more into those.
Your home contains all of your life experiences.
This is to be used toward and on your path. It’s all self-discovery and exploration. It’s a-blending. It’s magic. You take all of these little puzzle pieces and connect them together and you create this reality. And THAT is the purpose – to express yourself, to be yourself, to hone in on your natural gifts, to welcome in experiences and lessons.
Because when you’re in the state of just flow, trusting, and following your intuition, you’re in the flow of your soul’s purpose. You’re not resisting.
Not everything’s gonna be all peaceful and beautiful and easygoing because we are humans and we’re having a human experience. But when you experience these things and observe yourself, you then have control to create a different reality for yourself. This is called radical acceptance.
And finally, one thing that I absolutely love and has specifically transformed my life and soul purpose, is The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up by Marie Kondo.
The idea and method of allowing yourself to let go of things that are holding you back and only keeping the things that bring you joy, that lift you up, lighten your load, and make you feel good – THAT is the key to your soul’s purpose as well.
So not only are you creating more space within your life and becoming the role that you want to become, but you’re also recognizing what actually brings you happiness and fulfillment. And you can start to ask yourself as you go through this process.
Journal your joys.
WHY does this bring me joy? What about it? Is it the process, the feeling, the material, the theme or the topic? Is it the way it smells? Does it bring a nostalgic feeling to me? Start to jot down why this specific item brings you joy – “This brings me joy because _____.” and then just write.
If you follow the Marie Kondo process of tidying up, you’ll feel you’re absolutely aligned with your soul’s purpose because this is a form of magic where you are transforming your reality. You are getting rid of the energy that is holding you back or bringing you down. You’re not necessarily throwing it in the trash. You could donate it, offer it out, or give it away.
You are living your soul’s purpose right now in this very moment. The fact that you are learning and you are taking in this information, you ARE aligned with your soul’s purpose.
Now you can align even more by expanding your energy beyond your mental limitations because as humans, our minds can be limiting at times (which is a whole nother topic!).
And so that is how you can learn and step more fully into your soul’s purpose and mission and life while at home, whether that is in four walls or it is in a mindset that you have within yourself.
What are other ways to discover your soul purpose?
10 Not-So-Hards Ways to Find Your Soul’s Purpose
The Next Big Thing for Your Purpose in Life
How to Manifest Your Soul’s Goals

Tabitha is a world-renowned psychic, inspirational speaker and licensed teacher. Her teachings and messages focus on women’s spirituality and your soul’s purpose, with a little practical magic sprinkled in. She’s contributed in high-end magazines such as GOSS and has spoken on multiple podcasts and platforms. It’s Tabitha’s mission to help you recognize your inner power, hone your natural gifts and BE the light you’re intended to be – all the while creating personal prosperity. And so it is!